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Navy Nuclear Weapons Association

"Keepers of the Dragon"©™

Membership in the Navy Nuclear Weapons Association is open to those individuals who meet the following criteria.  An application for membership can be accessed at the bottom of this page.

Membership in the Corporation shall be without regard to age, race, color, creed, gender, national origin, ethnicity or disability.


ELIGIBILITY - The REGULAR MEMBERSHIP in the Corporation shall be limited to present or former Navy and Marine Corps personnel, Navy Civil Service personnel or Support Contractor personnel who:

Were attached to a Naval or Marine Corps command and whose primary responsibility with Nuclear Weapons includes any of the following:

1.    Depot, Intermediate or Organizational Level Maintenance, Repair or Storage of Nuclear Weapons, or


2.    Nuclear Weapons Safety, Nuclear Weapons Security or Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) management, Nuclear Weapons Administrative support, or Nuclear Weapons Technical Inspections.


Excepted from eligibility are duties solely involving accident/incident response, aircraft loading teams, aircraft pilots, guard force or reaction force activities, ordnance handling teams, submarine crew members and transshipment teams.


Other classes of membership in the Navy Nuclear Weapons Association are:

  • LIFE Member.  Automatically bestowed on the surviving spouse (widows and widowers) of a REGULAR member.  All dues and fees are waived.  LIFE members have no voting rights.

  • HERITAGE Member. Heritage individuals are defined as ancestors or lineal descendants.  Specifically, these individuals must be related to a past or present Association REGULAR member in good standing.  If related to a Past Regular Member who has passed, the Past Member must have been a member in good standing at the time of passing.  HERITAGE members are considered as being related to an Association member within two degrees of consanguinity (i.e., grandparent, brother, sister, grandchildren represent the most distant allowable relationships). HERITAGE member will have no voting rights.

  • ASSOCIATE Member.  Individual who do not meet the previous stated membership requirements may be consider for ASSOCIATE membership. These members must be recommended by at least one REGULAR member in good standing and must have paid the appropriate dues and fees set by the Corporation.  Such members will have no voting rights.  The total number of ASSOCIATE memberships allowed by IRS regulations currently restrict these types of membership to a total of 2.5% of total membership.

  • HONORARY Member.  The Board of Directors may bestow to an individual, organization or business that has made a significant contribution in furtherance of the Corporation’s objective and purposes an HONORARY membership.  All dues and fees are waived.  Such members will have no voting rights.




January 10, 2024


  Copyright 2000-2024 The term "Keepers of the Dragon" and the logo (seal) depicted herein are the exclusive copyrights and trademarks of the Navy Nuclear Weapons Association and may not be used without its prior written permission.  All rights reserved worldwide.